Wednesday 29 April 2015

Panorama / Multiple

Multiple Shot

For this assignment, we had to take pictures of the same object/people in the same environment and layer the pictures on photoshop to make it look like it's all one picture. While shooting, the camera had to be on a tripod to make sure that the background was in the same position. I put all 3 pictures into photoshop, and used one of them to layer the pictures in. This is done by using the lasso tool and cropping a certain part of the picture and placing the part where the people are, in place. I really enjoyed this process because it taught me how to do certain things on photoshop that I didn't know how to do before. 


Shooting for a panorama was difficult for me. I had to shoot multiple times because for the first few times, the people in the pictures wouldn’t necessarily move their body but move their face/expression. Other than this, I had to make sure that the pictures were aligned for the merging on photoshop to work. The process on photoshop was really easy because all we had to do was export the pictures onto photoshop and then click automate - then photomerge. Photoshop was able to do the work for me.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Photo Story

For this assignment, we are asked to shoot a photo story. A photo story is a series of photos that represent or tell a story. For this assignment, I decided to tell the story of thJapanese Macaque's also known as the snow monkeys. These monkey's are one of a kind due to the fact that they depend on Nagano's natural hot springs for warmth during the winter. I wanted to show how these monkeys were able to stay calm and reserved while there were numerous amounts of tourists surrounding them. 

These pictures were taken with my iPhone 5. 

Sunday 5 April 2015


Portrait Eyes

Before this assignment, I thought portraits were just pictures of people looking into the camera, little did i know there were multiple types of portraits. This assignment was to take two different types of portraits, portrait eyes and environmental portraits. Portrait eye pictures are meant to tell a story through the window to the soul. We're meant to capture what we think they represent themselves as. A portrait eye picture should have the person looking straight into the camera and fill up most of the picture or frame. An environmental portrait is a portrait where the person is in their environment and living their daily lives. In the environmental pictures I took, it shows that they’re just surrounded by an environment they’re usually exposed to (school).


Sunday 1 March 2015

Pinhole Camera/Print

In photography few weeks ago, we learnt about making Pinhole cameras which are the most basic camera. The Pinhole camera consists of a cylinder which is then painted black in the inside to clear out any light that reflects inside, an aluminium can, a plastic cover and a piece of photographic paper inside.

The process is that it captures light into the hole and the light reflects off the can onto the paper and exposes the light towards it. The subject has to stay in place for 6 minutes in order to get a clear shot in the original negative. After we processed the negative, we had to invert the picture into a positive. This didn't turn out as clear as I thought it would and was quite blurry.

Negative Print

Positive Print 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Natural Frame | Leading Lines | Texture | Balance

Natural Frame

This photo has an element of Natural Frame, this picture has that element because the two doors act as a barrier around Sophia which is the main object that is being surrounded by. Natural Frame is when the surrounding environment creates a frame around the subject. In this case, the doors create a frame around Sophia.

Leading Lines

Leading Lines is when certain lines lead toward the object. The line supposedly should lead your eyes from one point on the picture to the focal point where the subject lies. In this picture, the wooden pole behind my friend Gabe leads downwards towards his face which you can see clearly in the picture.


In this picture, there is no main object in the picture but multiple. The rain drops on the leaf I suppose are the objects in which our eyes focus towards. This picture represents texture because you can really see the detail of the water drops stand out against the leaf which has a smooth base. I had to go into photoshop and play with the levels and edit the picture further.


This photo shows balance because both subjects in the picture are equally balanced in the picture. They both have equal importance in the picture and balances the picture by filling up the screen, if one of them were gone it wouldn't complete the picture.

My First Print/Contact Sheet

This is the first contact sheet that I ever printed, it was such a fun experience to be able to experiment with new things. Honestly, before I came into the photography class I had no idea what I was about to go in to and what the expectations for me were. I was excited to see how it would turn out as it entered into the developer and started to faintly appear. The first time we went to shoot I didn’t have any specific theme I was going for and started to take pictures of anything that intrigued me.

My Experience With Film Photography

Nikon F4

Working with film photography was something so vastly different to anything I’ve ever done. Before this photography class, I had no previous knowledge of working with film and the whole process we had to go through before getting the actual picture. I found it extremely difficult to shoot for the 4 different elements we had to follow. After I processed my film, I realised that the pictures where I didn’t really try to follow an element ended up being the pictures I printed.